Please customise this area in the your language file......etc
This is where a user enters all the relevant information in order to create a support request.
My Open Tasks
This link will display all tasks that have been created by a user that have not yet been resolved.
My Closed Tasks
This link will display all Tasks that have been resolved by task managers and placed in a "Closed" state.
Search For Task
Allows a user to Search through their existing open (or closed) tasks.
Leave feedback about how your task was dealt with. The Task Options help page explains each of these options in more detail.
Knowledge Base
As common support requests are identified, they will be entered into the knowledge base for quick reference. A support request and resolution may already be present in the knowledge base. Check here first before creating a Task. The help page explains this option in more detail.
The "Announcements" area is where you will see announcements about current server / network status or regarding to the operation of this support system. It's worth a look when you first open the website as you may find the answer to your problem here.