Sunny Oasis Internet Support
User Documentation

Documentation - Introduction


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  1. Provide a more effective method of individual task (support request) tracking, resolution and follow up in order to increase customer satisfaction.
  2. Provide data about support requests in order to identify areas where improvements can be made in current helpdesk support processes.

In order to achieve these two points, it is very important that users and task managers, use this system to track requests. 

All support requests should be raised via the helpdesk website.

Tasks that have been raised via the formal helpdesk procedure will normally be given a higher Priority.

Documentation - Features

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Create Task
This is where a user enters all the relevant information in order to create a support request.

My Open Tasks
This link will display all tasks that have been created by a user that have not yet been resolved.

My Closed Tasks
This link will display all Tasks that have been resolved by task managers and placed in a "Closed" state.

Search For Task
Allows a user to Search through their existing open (or closed) tasks.

Leave feedback about how your task was dealt with. The Task Options help page explains each of these options in more detail.

Knowledge Base
As common support requests are identified, they will be entered into the knowledge base for quick reference. A support request and resolution may already be present in the knowledge base. Check here first before creating a Task. The help page explains this option in more detail.

The "Announcements" area is where you will see announcements about current server / network status or regarding to the operation of this support system. It's worth a look when you first open the website as you may find the answer to your problem here.

Documentation - Task Options

Create Task

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  1. Under the "Task Options" sub-section - click Create Task.
  2. Select the appropriate "Task Manager Group"
  3. Change the "Task Priority" to reflect the following criteria:
Priority Target Response Time Target Resolution Time Example
Critical 15 Minutes 1 Hour ... server(s),network, or phone system down ...
High 30 Minutes 2 Hours ... cannot print, login, or remember my password ...
Medium 2 Hours 4 Hours ... getting a lot of pop-ups, pda will not synchronize, ...
Low 1-2 Day(s) As time permits ... my favorites are gone, getting low toner warning ...

Priority Levels for Helpdesk Requests
Critical Critically impacting operation and related IT services of the entire college.
High Likely to prevent a large number of people from doing necessary work in a reasonable time, or preventing an individual from doing High priority work now.
Medium Causing inconvenience for one person or small group of people that may prevent completion of necessary work in the near future.
Low Will provide for a better working environment and/or a more efficient method in the longer term.

  1. Your username, email, office and phone extension will already be filled in.
  2. Choose the best "Task Group" and "Category" to suit your query. General categories are available from the drop down list.
  3. Enter the subject of you problem into the "Short Description" field.
  4. In the "Description" area, enter as much information as possible, there should be too much rather than too little.
  5. Attach a file if relevant (error messages, screenshots etc.)
  6. Now, check that the information entered is correct and click the "Create Task" button. If you have made a mistake (and have not yet pressed "Create Task"), you can clear the form by clicking "Reset" and starting again.
  7. If the Task has been submitted successfully, you will receive a "Task" number.
  8. You can review the status or update your Task at any time by logging in and selecting My Open Tasks
My Open Tasks
To view a list of your open tasks and check the status of work undertaken to resolve the reported issue, click My Open Tasks

To view detailed information about each open task, click on the "Short Description". Note that once a task has been assigned, the IT task managers username is shown. You can also see the task number, the date the task was created and what status the task currently has. Once you have clicked on the "Short Description" you will see your task in full, and any comments or actions taken by the task managers. Here you can also add updates if a task manager has requested further information.

My Closed Tasks
This page allows you to view all tasks that have been resolved and closed. You can also leave feedback from this area (see below).

Task Search
This page allows a user to search through their existing open, or closed tasks. This is handy if a user wants to quickly find information on a previously resolved issue without submitting another task.

Once a task is closed, it is possible to leave feedback about how your task was dealt with and comment on your support experience. Please leave feedback so that the task managers can determine how they can improve their services.

Click on My Closed Tasks to access the feedback feature.

Documentation - FAQ Options
Knowledge Base
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At the Knowledge Base you can click on a category (i.e. Anti-Virus) and browse around looking for answers to your question or you can use the search facility at the top of this page. When entering a search, for best results, type a keyword, a word that is most likely to give you the most results, for example: You can click on the question that best suits your own issue and view any answers that have already been added.

Click on the "Knowledge Base" link then browse or search for the information you are looking for.

You can also submit a question to the Knowledge Base that will be answered by a task manager as soon as possible.

Documentation - User Options

Edit Profile
This option is only available if the Helpdesk is run in Private mode, and registrations are required.

Password Retrieval
The Password Retrieval option allows users to have their forgotten password emailed to them. This function is only enabled at the site administrators discretion, and then only if the Helpdesk is private.

Add your secret question and secret answer to this section just in case you forget your password.

Sunny Oasis Internet Support - Edition
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